JILA Science Publications

Displaying 301 - 400 of 423


Optical Frequency Combs and their Applications
Jun Ye, Steven Cundiff, Femtosecond Optical Frequency Comb: Principle, Operation, and Applications , 12-53 (2005).
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Optical Frequency Standards and their Measurement
John Hall, Jun Ye, , 138 (2005).
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Phase Controlled Femtosecond Lasers for Sensitive, Precise, and Wide Bandwidth Nonlinear Spectroscopy
Jun Ye, , 1-27 (2005).
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Precision Measurement Meets Ultrafast Control
Jun Ye, S. Blatt, M. Boyd, S. Foreman, T. Ido, R. Jones, A. Ludlow, A. Marian, K. Moll, M. Notcutt, M. Stowe, M. Thorpe, Tanya Zelevinsky, unknown , (2005).
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Demonstration of a HeNe/CH4-based optical molecular clock
S. Foreman, A. Marian, Jun Ye, Evgeny Petrukhin, Mikhail Gubin, Oliver Mücke, F. Wong, E. Ippen, F. Kaertner, Optics Letters 30, 570 (2005).
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Coherent amplification of femtosecond pulses with passive enhancement cavities
R. Jones, L.-S. Ma, Jun Ye, 79, 16-18 (2005).
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Frequency transfer of optical standards through a fiber network using 1550-nm mode-locked sources
K. Holman, D. Jones, R. Jones, Jun Ye, 79, 834-836 (2005).
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High-repetition-rate coherent femtosecond pulse amplification with an external passive optical cavity
R. Jones, Jun Ye, Optics Letters 29, 2812 (2004).
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Narrow line cooling and momentum-space crystals
T. Loftus, T. Ido, M. Boyd, A. Ludlow, Jun Ye, Physical Review A 70, (2004).
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Optical clockwork without carrier-envelope phase control
Oliver Mücke, O. Kuzucu, F. Wong, E. Ippen, F. Kaertner, S. Foreman, D. Jones, L.-S. Ma, John Hall, Jun Ye, unknown , (2004).
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Publication image. United Time-Frequency Spectroscopy for Dynamics and Global Structure
Jun Ye, A. Marian, M. Stowe, J. Lawall, D. Felinto, Science 306, 2063-2068 (2004).
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Efficient Stark deceleration of cold polar molecules
E. Hudson, J. Bochinski, Heather Lewandowski, B. Sawyer, Jun Ye, The European Physical Journal D 31, 351-358 (2004).
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Cold free-radical molecules in the laboratory frame
J. Bochinski, E. Hudson, Heather Lewandowski, Jun Ye, Physical Review A 70, (2004).
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A pulsed, low-temperature beam of supersonically cooled free radical OH molecules
Heather Lewandowski, E. Hudson, J. Bochinski, Jun Ye, Chemical Physics Letters 395, 53-57 (2004).
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Publication image. Narrow Line Cooling: Finite Photon Recoil Dynamics
T. Loftus, T. Ido, A. Ludlow, M. Boyd, Jun Ye, Physical Review Letters 93, (2004).
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Frequency transfer of optical standards through a fiber network using 1550-nm mode-locked sources
K. Holman, Jun Ye, D. Jones, unknown , (2004).
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Investigation of a grating-based stretcher/compressor for carrier-envelope phase stabilized fs pulses
I. Thomann, E. Gagnon, R. Jones, A. Sandhu, A. Lytle, R. Anderson, Jun Ye, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, Optics Express 12, 3493 (2004).
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Precise frequency transfer through a fiber network by use of 1.5-micrometer mode-locked sources
K. Holman, D. Jones, D. Hudson, Jun Ye, Optics Letters 29, 1554 (2004).
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Precision stabilization of femtosecond lasers to high-finesse optical cavities
R. Jones, I. Thomann, Jun Ye, Physical Review A 69, (2004).
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Hyperfine interactions and perturbation effects in the B0u+(3Πu) state of 127I2
L. Chen, W.-Y. Cheng, Jun Ye, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 21, (2004).
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Controlling dipole-dipole frequency shifts in a lattice-based optical atomic clock
D. Chang, Jun Ye, M. Lukin, Physical Review A 69, (2004).
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Absolute measurement of a long, arbitrary distance to less than an optical fringe
Jun Ye, Optics Letters 29, 1153 (2004).
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Chemical imaging of photoresists with coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy
E. Potma, X. Xie, L. Muntean, J. Preusser, D. Jones, Jun Ye, Stephen Leone, E. Hinsberg, W. Schade, J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 1296-1301 (2004).
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Experimental implementation of optical clockwork without carrier-envelope phase control
Oliver Mücke, O. Kuzucu, F. Wong, E. Ippen, Franz Kärtner, S. Foreman, D. Jones, L.-S. Ma, John Hall, Jun Ye, Optics Letters 29, 2806-2808 (2004).
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Optical phase coherent locking of a 1550-nm mode-locked source to an optical atomic clock's fs comb
K. Holman, D. Jones, Jun Ye, L. Jiang, E. Ippen, unknown , (2004).
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Applications of Femtosecond Laser Comb to Nonlinear Molecular Spectroscopy
Jun Ye, Jason Jones, Lisheng Chen, K. Holman, D. Jones, 648, 275-295 (2004).
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Carrier-Envelope Phase Stabilization of Single and Multiple Femtosecond Lasers
D. Jones, Steven Cundiff, Tara Fortier, John Hall, Jun Ye, 95, 317-343 (2004).
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Precise stabilization of a femtosecond laser comb to a high finesse, passive optical cavity
R. Jones, K. Holman, I. Thomann, Jun Ye, unknown , (2004).
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Simple and compact Hz-level linewidth laser system via improved mounting configuration of a reference cavity
M. Notcutt, John Hall, A. Ludlow, Jun Ye, L.-S. Ma, unknown , (2004).
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Ultra-Precise Phase Control of Short Pulses - Applications to Nonlinear Spectroscopy
Jun Ye, L. Chen, R. Jones, K. Holman, D. Jones, unknown , (2004).
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Ultrafast-Laser Stabilization with Application to Pulse Amplification by Use of Passive Optical Cavities
Sunney Xie, R. Jones, K. Holman, Jun Ye, E. Potma, 95, 179-184 (2004).
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Optical frequency combs: From frequency metrology to optical phase control
Jun Ye, H. Schnatz, L. Hollberg, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 9, 1041-1058 (2003).
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Publication Highlights:
This is an invited review on the development of optical frequency combs.
Single-Stage Sub-Doppler Cooling of Alkaline Earth Atoms
X. Xu, T. Loftus, J. Dunn, Chris Greene, John Hall, Alan Gallagher, Jun Ye, Physical Review Letters 90, (2003).
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Passively mode-locked glass waveguide laser with 14-fs timing jitter
J. Schlager, Berton Callicoatt, Richard Mirin, N. Sanford, D. Jones, Jun Ye, Optics Letters 28, 2411 (2003).
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Extensive, high-resolution measurement of hyperfine interactions: precise investigations of molecular potentials and wave functions
Lisheng Chen, Jun Ye, Chemical Physics Letters 381, 777-783 (2003).
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Publication images. Phase space manipulation of free radical OH molecules
J. Bochinski, E. Hudson, Heather Lewandowski, G. Meijer, Jun Ye, Physical Review Letters 91, (2003).
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Applications of optical cavities in modern atomic, molecular, and optical physics
Jun Ye, T. Lynn, Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 49, 1-84 (2003).
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Precise timing stabilization of a mode-locked semiconductor laser at 1550 nm to an optical frequency standard
D. Jones, K. Holman, M. Notcutt, Jun Ye, J. Chandalia, L. Jiang, E. Ippen, H. Yokoyama, IEEE , (2003).
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Cooling and trapping of atomic strontium
Xinye Xu, T. Loftus, John Hall, J. Gallagher, Jun Ye, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 20, 968 (2003).
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Ultralow-jitter, 1550-nm mode-locked semiconductor laser synchronized to a visible optical frequency standard
D. Jones, K. Holman, M. Notcutt, Jun Ye, J. Chandalia, L. Jiang, E. Ippen, H. Yokoyama, Optics Letters 28, 813 (2003).
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Comparison of independent optical frequency measurements using a portable iodine-stabilized Nd:YAG laser
F.-L. Hong, J. Ishikawa, K. Sugiyama, A. Onae, H. Matsumoto, Jun Ye, John Hall, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 52, 240-244 (2003).
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Optical frequency standards and measurement
John Hall, Jun Ye, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 52, 227-231 (2003).
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Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy with near-infrared ps pulses synchronized within 20 fs
D. Jones, unknown , (2003).
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Delivery of high-stability optical and microwave frequency standards over an optical fiber network
Jun Ye, J.-L. Peng, R. Jones, K. Holman, John Hall, D. Jones, Scott Diddams, J. Kitching, Sebastien Bize, J. Bergquist, L. Hollberg, L. Robertsson, L.-S. Ma, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 20, 1459 (2003).
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Flexible and rapidly configurable femtosecond pulse generation in the mid-IR
S. Foreman, D. Jones, Jun Ye, Optics Letters 28, 370 (2003).
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Stark manipulation of the free radical OH
J. Bochinski, E. Hudson, Jun Ye, unknown , (2003).
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Satellite-Satellite Laser Links for Future Gravity Missions
Peter Bender, John Hall, Jun Ye, W. Klipstein, Space Science Reviews 108, 377-384 (2003).
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Absorption detection at the quantum limit: Probing high-finesse cavities with modulation techniques
Jun Ye, John Hall, Experimental Methods In The Physical Sciences Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopies 40, 83-127 (2003).
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Femtosecond laser stabilization: time and frequency domain applications
R. Jones, K. Holman, Jun Ye, LEOS Summer Topical Meetings , (2003).
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Orthogonal control of the frequency comb dynamics of a mode-locked laser diode
K. Holman, D. Jones, Jun Ye, E. Ippen, Optics Letters 28, 2405 (2003).
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Picosecond-pulse amplification with an external passive optical cavity
E. Potma, Conor Evans, Sunney Xie, R. Jones, Jun Ye, Optics Letters 28, 1835 (2003).
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Precise phase control of short pulses
Jun Ye, D. Jones, R. Jones, K. Holman, S. Foreman, unknown , (2003).
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Passive optical amplifier for picosecond and femtosecond pulses
R. Jones, Jun Ye, E. Potma, X. Xie, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science, 2003. QELS. Postconference Digest 2003, (2003).
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Using the phase coherence of carrier-envelope phase-stabilized fs lasers
D. Jones, K. Holman, D. Hudson, A. Marian, Jun Ye, J. Schlager, E. Ippen, unknown , (2003).
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Femtosecond pulse amplification by coherent addition in a passive optical cavity
R. Jones, Jun Ye, Optics Letters 27, 1848 (2002).
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Synchronization of two passively mode-locked, picosecond lasers within 20 fs for coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy
D. Jones, E. Potma, J.-X. Cheng, Berndt Burfeindt, Yang Pang, Jun Ye, Sunney Xie, Review of Scientific Instruments 73, 2843 (2002).
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Dynamics in a two-level atom magneto-optical trap
Xinye Xu, T. Loftus, Matthew Smith, John Hall, J. Gallagher, Jun Ye, Physical Review A 66, (2002).
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High-sensitivity coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy with two tightly synchronized picosecond lasers
E. Potma, D. Jones, J.-X. Cheng, X. Xie, Jun Ye, Optics Letters 27, 1168 (2002).
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Absolute-frequency measurement of the iodine-based length standard at 514.67 nm
R. Jones, W.-Y. Cheng, K. Holman, L. Chen, John Hall, Jun Ye, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 74, 597-601 (2002).
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Sub-Doppler molecular-iodine transitions near the dissociation limit (523-498 nm)
W.-Y. Cheng, L. Chen, T. Yoon, John Hall, Jun Ye, Optics Letters 27, 571 (2002).
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Active synchronization and carrier phase locking of two separate mode-locked femtosecond lasers
R. Shelton, L.-S. Ma, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, John Hall, Jun Ye, Journal of Modern Optics 49, 401-409 (2002).
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Subfemtosecond timing jitter between two independent, actively synchronized, mode-locked lasers
R. Shelton, S. Foreman, L.-S. Ma, John Hall, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, M. Notcutt, Jun Ye, Optics Letters 27, 312 (2002).
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Continuously tunable, precise, single frequency optical signal generator
J. Jost, John Hall, Jun Ye, Optics Express 10, 515 (2002).
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From stable lasers to optical-frequency clocks
John Hall, Jun Ye, L.-S. Ma, J.-L. Peng, M. Notcutt, J. Jost, A. Marian, unknown , (2002).
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Issues and applications in ultrasensitive molecular spectroscopy
C. Ishibashi, Jun Ye, John Hall, unknown , (2002).
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Merging Two Independent Femtosecond Lasers Into One
L.-S. Ma, R. Shelton, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, John Hall, Jun Ye, unknown , 309-312 (2002).
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Sub-Doppler molecular-iodine transitions near the dissociation limit (523-498 nm): errata
W.-Y. Cheng, Lisheng Chen, T. Yoon, John Hall, Jun Ye, Optics Letters 27, 1076 (2002).
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Coherent Optical Frequency Synthesis and Distribution
Jun Ye, John Hall, J. Jost, L.-S. Ma, J.-L. Peng, , 97 (2002).
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Analysis/reduction of residual amplitude modulation in phase/frequency modulation by an EOM
C. Ishibashi, Jun Ye, John Hall, unknown , (2002).
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A common-path heterodyne interferometer for surface profiling in microelectronic fabrication
Eric Klein, Fred Ramirez, John Hall, Review of Scientific Instruments 72, 2455 (2001).
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Publication image. Molecular Iodine Clock
Jun Ye, L.-S. Ma, John Hall, Physical Review Letters 87, (2001).
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Absolute frequency measurement of the iodine-stabilized He-Ne laser at 633~nm
T. Yoon, Jun Ye, John Hall, J.-M. Chartier, Applied Physics B 72, 221-226 (2001).
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A New Type of Frequency Chain and Its Application to Fundamental Frequency Metrology
Thomas Udem, Jörg Reichert, Ronald Holzwarth, Scott Diddams, D. Jones, Jun Ye, Steven Cundiff, T. Hänsch, John Hall, 570, 125-144 (2001).
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Characterization of high-finesse mirrors: Loss, phase shifts, and mode structure in an optical cavity
C. Hood, H. Kimble, Jun Ye, Physical Review A 64, (2001).
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Publication image. Phase-coherent Optical Pulse Synthesis from Separate Femtosecond Lasers
R. Shelton, L.-S. Ma, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, John Hall, Jun Ye, Science 293, 1286-1289 (2001).
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Sub-10-femtosecond active synchronization of two passively mode-locked Ti:sapphire oscillators
L.-S. Ma, R. Shelton, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Jun Ye, Physical Review A 64, (2001).
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Cooling of a single atom in an optical trap inside a resonator
S. van Enk, J. McKeever, H. Kimble, Jun Ye, Physical Review A 64, (2001).
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High-resolution Rb two-photon spectroscopy with ultrafast lasers
T. Yoon, A. Marian, John Hall, Jun Ye, unknown , (2001).
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Rotation dependence of electric quadrupole hyperfine interaction in the ground state of molecular iodine by high-resolution laser spectroscopy
F.-L. Hong, Jun Ye, L.-S. Ma, S. Picard, Christian Bordé, John Hall, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 18, 379 (2001).
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Synchronization and phase lock of two mode-locked femtosecond lasers
R. Shelton, L.-S. Ma, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, John Hall, Jun Ye, unknown , (2001).
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Coherent pulse synthesis from two (formerly) independent passively mode-locked Ti:sapphire oscillators
R. Shelton, L.-S. Ma, John Hall, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Jun Ye, unknown , (2001).
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Publication image. Merging the Ultrasensitive, the Ultrastable, and the Ultrafast: A New Era of Frequency Standards and Optical Frequency Measurement
John Hall, Jun Ye, Optics and Photonics News 12, 44-50 (2001).
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Sub-15-femtosecond active synchronization of two passively mode-locked Ti:sapphire oscillators
R. Shelton, L.-S. Ma, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Jun Ye, unknown , (2001).
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A New Era of Frequency Standards and Optical Frequency Measurement
John Hall, Jun Ye, Optics and Photonics News 12, 44 (2001).
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Phase-coherent multilevel two-photon transitions in cold Rb atoms: Ultrahigh-resolution spectroscopy via frequency-stabilized femtosecond laser
T. Yoon, A. Marian, John Hall, Jun Ye, Physical Review A 63, (2000).
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Publication image. Accuracy Comparison of Absolute Optical Frequency Measurement between Harmonic-Generation Synthesis and a Frequency-Division Femtosecond Comb
Jun Ye, T. Yoon, John Hall, Alan Madej, John Bernard, K. Siemsen, L. Marmet, J.-M. Chartier, Annick Chartier, Physical Review Letters 85, 3797-3800 (2000).
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High-resolution frequency standard at 1030 nm for Yb:YAG solid-state lasers
Jun Ye, L.-S. Ma, John Hall, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 17, 927 (2000).
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Measurement of mirror birefringence at the sub-ppm level: Proposed application to a test of QED
John Hall, Jun Ye, L.-S. Ma, Physical Review A 62, (2000).
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Cavity ringdown heterodyne spectroscopy: High sensitivity with microwatt light power
Jun Ye, John Hall, Physical Review A 61, (2000).
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Evaluation of heating effects on atoms trapped in an optical trap
C. Gardiner, Jun Ye, H.-C. Nägerl, H. Kimble, Physical Review A 61, (2000).
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Laser Stabilization
John Hall, M. Taubman, Jun Ye, 27, 27-1 (2000).
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Precision phase control of an ultrawide-bandwidth femtosecond laser: a network of ultrastable frequency marks across the visible spectrum
Jun Ye, John Hall, Scott Diddams, Optics Letters 25, 1675 (2000).
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Trapping of Single Atoms in Cavity QED
Jun Ye, D. Vernooy, H. Kimble, Physical Review Letters 83, 4987-4990 (1999).
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Ultrasensitive frequency-modulation spectroscopy enhanced by a high-finesse optical cavity: theory and application to overtone transitions of C2H2 and C2HD
L.-S. Ma, Jun Ye, Pierre Dubé, John Hall, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 16, 2255 (1999).
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The Quantum Internet
H. Kimble, C. Hood, T. Lynn, H. Mabucki, D. Vernooy, Jun Ye, Laser Spectroscopy XIV International Conference , 80-89 (1999).
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Absolute frequency atlas of molecular I2 lines at 532 nm
Jun Ye, L. Robertsson, S. Picard, L.-S. Ma, John Hall, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 48, 544-549 (1999).
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Frequency comparison of (127)I2-stabilized Nd:YAG lasers
F.-L. Hong, J. Ishikawa, J. Yoda, Jun Ye, L.-S. Ma, John Hall, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 48, 532-536 (1999).
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Quantum manipulation and measurement of single atoms in optical cavity QED
Jun Ye, C. Hood, T. Lynn, H. Mabucki, D. Vernooy, H. Kimble, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 48, 608-612 (1999).
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Stabilization and frequency measurement of the I2-stabilized Nd:YAG laser
John Hall, L.-S. Ma, M. Taubman, B. Tiemann, F.-L. Hong, O. Pfister, Jun Ye, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 48, 583-586 (1999).
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Full observation of single-atom dynamics in cavity QED
H. Mabucki, Jun Ye, H. Kimble, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 68, 1095-1108 (1999).
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