JILA Science Publications

Displaying 6301 - 6400 of 10604


Multiple states for quasi-geostrophic channel flows
F. Cattaneo, J. Hart, Geophysical \& Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 54, 1-33 (1990).
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Polarization correlated-emission laser and the influence of pump statistics
C. Benkert, M. Scully, Physical Review A 42, 2817-2828 (1990).
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Quantitative Spectroscopy of Hot Stars
R.-P. Kudritzki, David Hummer, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 28, 303-341 (1990).
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Self-irradiated cooling condensations - The source of the optical line emission from cooling flows
G. Voit, M. Donahue, The Astrophysical Journal 360, L15 (1990).
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Subroutines for the evaluation of cross sections of one-photon radiative processes occuring in fast-electron H-atom collisions
Alain Dubois, A. Maquet, Computer Physics Communications 60, 271-280 (1990).
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Time-dependent shock acceleration of energetic electrons including synchrotron losses
Klaus-Dieter Fritz, G. Webb, The Astrophysical Journal 360, 387 (1990).
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Unusual infrared line profiles in the post-asymptotic giant branch star HD 56126
S. Kwok, Bruce Hrivnak, T. Geballe, The Astrophysical Journal 360, L23 (1990).
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Very cold trapped atoms in a vapor cell
C. Monroe, William Swann, H. Robinson, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Letters 65, 1571-1574 (1990).
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Common envelope evolution and double cores of planetary nebulae
M. de Kool, The Astrophysical Journal 358, 189 (1990).
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Differential, partial cross sections for electron excitation of the sodium 3P state
X. Han, G. Schinn, Alan Gallagher, Physical Review A 42, 1245-1257 (1990).
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Molecules in the ejecta of SN 1987A
S. Lepp, A. Dalgarno, Richard McCray, The Astrophysical Journal 358, 262 (1990).
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Photoabsorption spectra of the heavy alkali-metal negative ions
Chris Greene, Physical Review A 42, 1405-1415 (1990).
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Polarization-correlated-emission schemes
C. Benkert, M. Scully, M. Orszag, Physical Review A 42, 1487-1502 (1990).
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Quantum-noise suppression in lasers via memory-correlation effects
C. Benkert, M. Scully, Abbas Rangwala, Wolfgang Schleich, Physical Review A 42, 1503-1514 (1990).
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Redistributed spectrum of scattered light
E. Lewis, D. Szebesta, Physical Review A 42, 1424-1430 (1990).
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The distribution of massive stars in the Galaxy. I - The Wolf-Rayet stars
Peter Conti, W. Vacca, The Astronomical Journal 100, 431 (1990).
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The influence of Oort clouds on the mass and chemical balance of the interstellar medium
Alan Stern, J. Shull, The Astrophysical Journal 359, 506 (1990).
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A hyperthermal (0.1\textendash4 eV) F atom beam source suitable for surface etching investigations
Robert Levis, C. Waltman, L. Cousins, Guild Copeland, Stephen Leone, Journal of Vacuum Science \& Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 8, 3118 (1990).
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An overview of the ion dynamic effect in line broadening, and a generalization of the unified theory
D. Kelleher, D. Oza, John Cooper, R. Greene, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 44, 101-107 (1990).
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Bond strengths of ethylene and acetylene
K. Ervin, Scott Gronert, S. Barlow, M. Gilles, Alex Harrison, Veronica Bierbaum, C. DePuy, Carl Lineberger, Barney Ellison, Journal of the American Chemical Society 112, 5750-5759 (1990).
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Dominant photodetachment channels in H-
H. Sadeghpour, Chris Greene, Physical Review Letters 65, 313-316 (1990).
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Near-threshold vibrational excitation of HF by electron impact
G. Snitchler, David Norcross, A. Jain, S. Alston, Physical Review A 42, 671-674 (1990).
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New radio detections of early-type pre-main-sequence stars
S. Skinner, A. Brown, Jeffrey Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 357, L39 (1990).
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Whole earth telescope observations of the white dwarf G29-38 - Phase variations of the 615 second period
D. Winget, R. Nather, J. Clemens, J. Provencal, S. Kleinman, P. Bradley, M. Wood, C. Claver, E. Robinson, A. Grauer, B. Hine, G. Fontaine, N. Achilleos, T. Marar, S. Seetha, B. Ashoka, D. O'Donoghue, B. Warner, D. Kurtz, P. Martinez, G. Vauclair, M. Chevreton, A. Kanaan, S. Kepler, T. Augusteijn, J. van Paradijs, Carl Hansen, J. Liebert, The Astrophysical Journal 357, 630 (1990).
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Color excesses, intrinsic colors, and absolute magnitudes of Galactic and Large Magellanic Cloud Wolf-Rayet stars
W. Vacca, A. Torres-Dodgen, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 73, 685 (1990).
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Memory correlation effects on quantum noise in lasers and masers
C. Benkert, M. Scully, Georg Süssmann, Physical Review A 41, 6119-6128 (1990).
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Studies of H I and D I in the local interstellar medium
J. Murthy, R. Henry, H. Moos, A. Vidal-Madjar, Jeffrey Linsky, C. Gry, The Astrophysical Journal 356, 223 (1990).
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dc-field-coupled autoionizing states for laser action without population inversion
G. Agarwal, S. Ravi, John Cooper, Physical Review A 41, 4721-4726 (1990).
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Lasers without inversion: Raman transitions using autoionizing resonances
G. Agarwal, S. Ravi, John Cooper, Physical Review A 41, 4727-4731 (1990).
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New recombination mechanism: Tidal termolecular ionic recombination
D. Bates, W. Morgan, Physical Review Letters 64, 2258-2260 (1990).
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Non-LTE model calculations for SN 1987A and the extragalactic distance scale
Werner Schmutz, D. Abbott, R. Russell, W.-R. Hamann, U. Wessolowski, The Astrophysical Journal 355, 255 (1990).
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Spectroscopic studies of Wolf-Rayet stars. VI - Optical spectrophotometry of near-infrared emission lines in some Galactic stars
Peter Conti, P. Massey, J. Vreux, The Astrophysical Journal 354, 359 (1990).
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State-resolved laser probing of As2 in a molecular-beam epitaxy reactor
R. Smilgys, Stephen Leone, Journal of Vacuum Science \& Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 8, 416 (1990).
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Cometary compact H II regions are stellar-wind bow shocks
D. Van Buren, M.-M. Low, Douglas Wood, E. Churchwell, The Astrophysical Journal 353, 570 (1990).
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Dynamic spectra of radio bursts from flare stars
T. Bastian, J. Bookbinder, G. Dulk, M. Davis, The Astrophysical Journal 353, 265 (1990).
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Improved Kennedy-Thorndike experiment to test special relativity
D. Hils, John Hall, Physical Review Letters 64, 1697-1700 (1990).
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On the generation of mass loss in cool giant stars due to propagating shock waves
M. Cuntz, The Astrophysical Journal 353, 255 (1990).
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Orbital variability in the wind of the massive X-ray binary HD 153919/4U 1700-37
G. Hammerschlag-Hensberge, I. Howarth, T. Kallman, The Astrophysical Journal 352, 698 (1990).
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Population correlations in transient stimulated raman scattering
S. Kilin, M. Trippenbach, John Cooper, Optics Communications 76, 157-163 (1990).
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Squeezing and quantum noise quenching in masers and lasers through atomic coherence and pump noise reduction
C. Benkert, M. Scully, J. Bergou, M. Orszag, Physical Review A 41, 4062-4065 (1990).
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Stochastic shock waves as a candidate mechanism for the formation of the He I 10830-A line in cool giant stars
M. Cuntz, D. Luttermoser, The Astrophysical Journal 353, L39 (1990).
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A new method to determine the interstellar reddening towards WN stars
Peter Conti, P. Morris, The Astronomical Journal 99, 898 (1990).
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Differential cross section for Na fine-structure transfer induced by Na and K collisions
P. Arcuni, M. Troyer, Alan Gallagher, Physical Review A 41, 2398-2406 (1990).
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Gauge invariance and approximate multiphoton calculations in hydrogen
Yves Justum, A. Maquet, Y. Heno, Physical Review A 41, 2791-2795 (1990).
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Hanle effect in spectrally broadened light
K. Arnett, S. Smith, R. Ryan, T. Bergeman, H. Metcalf, M. Hamilton, J. Brandenberger, Physical Review A 41, 2580-2593 (1990).
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Observation of population fluctuations in two-level atoms driven by a phase diffusing field
M. Anderson, R. Jones, John Cooper, S. Smith, D. Elliott, H. Ritsch, Peter Zoller, Physical Review Letters 64, 1346-1349 (1990).
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Photodissociation dynamics of water in the second absorption band: vibrational excitation of OH(A2Σ)
B. Heumann, K. Kühl, K. Weide, R. Düren, B. Hess, U. Meier, S. Peyerimhoff, R. Schinke, Chemical Physics Letters 166, 385-390 (1990).
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Power spectra and variance of laser-noise-induced population fluctuations in two-level atoms
H. Ritsch, Peter Zoller, John Cooper, Physical Review A 41, 2653-2667 (1990).
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Role of pumping statistics in laser dynamics: Quantum Langevin approach
C. Benkert, M. Scully, J. Bergou, L. Davidovich, M. Hillery, M. Orszag, Physical Review A 41, 2756-2765 (1990).
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Threshold effects in photodetachment near an autodetaching or excited-state resonance
S. Haan, M. Walhout, John Cooper, Physical Review A 41, 2598-2609 (1990).
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ELENDIF: A time-dependent Boltzmann solver for partially ionized plasmas
W. Morgan, B.M. Penetrante, Computer Physics Communications 58, 127-152 (1990).
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Gyroscope-weighing experiment with a null result
James Faller, W. Hollander, P. Nelson, M. McHugh, Physical Review Letters 64, 825-826 (1990).
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Harmonic generation by a classical hydrogen atom in the presence of an intense radiation field
G. Bandarage, A. Maquet, John Cooper, Physical Review A 41, 1744-1746 (1990).
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Low-frequency approximation for simultaneous electron-photon excitation of atoms
A. Maquet, John Cooper, Physical Review A 41, 1724-1727 (1990).
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Observation of the NF2+ dication in the electron impact ionization mass spectrum of NF3
S. Rogers, Paul Miller, Stephen Leone, B. Brehm, Chemical Physics Letters 166, 137-140 (1990).
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Spin-orbit state specific laser probing of the desorption kinetics and islanding behavior of In on Si(100)
D. Oostra, R. Smilgys, Stephen Leone, Surface Science 226, 226-236 (1990).
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The equation of state for stellar envelopes. IV - Thermodynamic quantities and selected ionization fractions for six elemental mixes
D. Mihalas, David Hummer, B. Mihalas, W. Däppen, The Astrophysical Journal 350, 300 (1990).
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A general method for Doppler determination of cylindrically symmetric velocity distributions: An application of Fourier transform Doppler spectroscopy
C. Taatjes, Julia Cline, Stephen Leone, The Journal of Chemical Physics 93, 6554 (1990).
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A new computation of the infrared absorption by H2 pairs in the fundamental band at temperatures from 600 to 5000 K
Aleksandra Borysow, Lothar Frommhold, The Astrophysical Journal 348, L41 (1990).
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A probe for real-time images of particle beams and their analyses in a merged-beams apparatus
J. Forand, C. Timmer, E. Wåhlin, B. DePaola, Gordon Dunn, D. Swenson, K. Rinn, Review of Scientific Instruments 61, 3372 (1990).
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Ab initio calculation of the X 2Σ+ and A 2Π states of CF++
Jorg Senekowitsch, S. Oneil, H. Werner, Peter Knowles, The Journal of Chemical Physics 93, 562 (1990).
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Approximate scattering wave functions for few-particle continua
J. Briggs, Physical Review A 41, 539-541 (1990).
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Chromospheric extents predicted by time-dependent acoustic wave models
M. Cuntz, The Astrophysical Journal 349, 141 (1990).
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Collective behavior of optically trapped neutral atoms
T. Walker, D. Sesko, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Letters 64, 408-411 (1990).
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Collision-induced absorption by H2-He pairs in the fundamental band: Rotational states dependence
Aleksandra Borysow, Lothar Frommhold, Wilfried Meyer, Physical Review A 41, 264-270 (1990).
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Coronal temperatures of selected active cool stars as derived from low resolution EINSTEIN observations
O. Vilhu, Jeffrey Linsky, Advances in Space Research 10, 139-142 (1990).
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Cross Sections and Swarm Coefficients for H+, H2+, H3+, H, H2, and H- in H2 for Energies from 0.1 eV to 10 keV
Arthur Phelps, Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 19, 653 (1990).
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Diode laser probing of I*(2P1/2) Doppler profiles: Time evolution of a fast, anisotropic velocity distribution in a thermal bath
Julia Cline, C. Taatjes, Stephen Leone, The Journal of Chemical Physics 93, 6543 (1990).
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Distinct alignment effects for Y2, 0 vs Y2,\textpm1 angular wave functions observed in collisions of an atomic Ca D state
Ruth Robinson, L. Kovalenko, Stephen Leone, Physical Review Letters 64, 388-391 (1990).
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Einstein Observatory magnitude-limited X-ray survey of late-type giant and supergiant stars
A. Maggio, G. Vaiana, B. Haisch, R. Stern, J. Bookbinder, F. Harnden Jr., R. Rosner, The Astrophysical Journal 348, 253 (1990).
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First ultraviolet observations of the transition regions of X-ray bright solar-type stars in the Pleiades
J.-P. Caillault, O. Vilhu, Jeffrey Linsky, Advances in Space Research 10, 17-19 (1990).
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Individual cross sections for 1D2 sublevels (ML=0, \textpm1, \textpm2) in the alignment-dependent process: Ca(4p2 1D2)+Rg\textrightarrowCa(3d4p 1F3)+Rg as a function of rare gas
Ruth Robinson, L. Kovalenko, C. Smith, Stephen Leone, The Journal of Chemical Physics 92, 5260 (1990).
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Laser-induced fluorescence measurements of drift-velocity distributions for Ba+ in Ar: Moment analysis and a direct measure of skewness
Stephen Penn, Johannes Beijers, Rainer Dressler, Veronica Bierbaum, Stephen Leone, The Journal of Chemical Physics 93, 5118 (1990).
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Lunar laser ranging
James Faller, John Dickey, Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 71, 725 (1990).
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Magnetothermal instability in cooling flows
M. Loewenstein, The Astrophysical Journal 349, 471 (1990).
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Nonadiabatic effects in the photodissociation of H2S
K. Weide, V. Staemmler, R. Schinke, The Journal of Chemical Physics 93, 861 (1990).
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On the interpretation of chromospheric emission lines
P. Judge, The Astrophysical Journal 348, 279 (1990).
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Orbit determination and gravitational field accuracy for a mercury transponder satellite
M. Vincent, Peter Bender, Journal of Geophysical Research 95, 21357 (1990).
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Periodic orbits and diffuse structures in the photodissociation of symmetric triatomic molecules
Reinhard Schinke, Volker Engel, The Journal of Chemical Physics 93, 3252 (1990).
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Photodissociation of ClNO in the S1 state: A quantum-mechanical ab initio study
Reinhard Schinke, Marco Nonella, H. Suter, Julian Huber, The Journal of Chemical Physics 93, 1098 (1990).
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Photoelectron spectroscopy of metal cluster anions: (Cu-)n, (Ag-)n, and (Au-)n
Joe Ho, K. Ervin, Carl Lineberger, The Journal of Chemical Physics 93, 6987 (1990).
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Pure-oxygen radiative shocks with electron thermal conduction
K. Borkowski, J. Shull, The Astrophysical Journal 348, 169 (1990).
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Quantum defect description of non-Rydberg molecules
H. Gao, Chris Greene, The Journal of Chemical Physics 93, 1791 (1990).
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R-matrix calculations for electron-impact excitation of C+, N2+, and O3+ including fine structure
D. Luo, A. Pradhan, Physical Review A 41, 165-173 (1990).
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Rotational state distributions following the photodissociation of Cl\textendashCN: Comparison of classical and quantum mechanical calculations
Reinhard Schinke, The Journal of Chemical Physics 92, 2397 (1990).
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Silane dissociation products in deposition discharges
John Doyle, D. Doughty, Alan Gallagher, Journal of Applied Physics 68, 4375 (1990).
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Spatial distribution of a-Si:H film-producing radicals in silane rf glow discharges
D. Doughty, Alan Gallagher, Journal of Applied Physics 67, 139 (1990).
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Stimulated Raman probing of supercooling and phase transitions in large N2 clusters formed in free jet expansions
R. Beck, M. Hineman, J. Nibler, The Journal of Chemical Physics 92, 7068 (1990).
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Surface reaction probability of film-producing radicals in silane glow discharges
D. Doughty, John Doyle, G.-H. Lin, Alan Gallagher, Journal of Applied Physics 67, 6220 (1990).
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The design and application of a novel high-frequency tiltmeter
C. Speake, D. Newell, Review of Scientific Instruments 61, 1500 (1990).
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The generalized Poynting-Robertson effect
D. Carroll, The Astrophysical Journal 348, 588 (1990).
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Trajectory effects on total LiI 22S-22P polarisation in Li+-He collisions near threshold
N. Andersen, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 23, L51 - L54 (1990).
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Optical heterodyne spectroscopy enhanced by an external optical cavity: toward improved working standards
L.-S. Ma, John Hall, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 26, 2006-2012 (1990).
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Evolution and detectability of comet clouds during post-main-sequence stellar evolution
Alan Stern, J. Shull, J. Brandt, Nature 345, 305-308 (1990).
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Dynamic distortion effects in electron-atom scattering
R. McEachran, A. Stauffer, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 23, 4605-4614 (1990).
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Optical potential approach to electron and positron scattering from noble gases. II. Neon
K. Bartschat, R. McEachran, A. Stauffer, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 23, 2349-2355 (1990).
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Saddle-point electrons in proton-impact ionization of H: A classical trajectory study
G. Bandarage, Robert Parson, Physical Review A 41, 5878-5888 (1990).
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The fuelling of active galactic nuclei
Isaac Shlosman, Mitchell Begelman, Juhan Frank, Nature 345, 679-686 (1990).
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Correlated spontaneous emission in a Zeeman laser
Michael Winters, John Hall, Peter Toschek, Physical Review Letters 65, 3116-3119 (1990).
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Gravitationally induced pulsing of a resonator with two phase-conjugating mirrors and an injected signal
Dana Anderson, R. Saxena, Mark Cronin-Golomb, Physical Review A 42, 3142-3144 (1990).
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