JILA Science Publications

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My publications (since 1995, including preprints)
My publications (since 1982)

Displaying 1 - 100 of 103


Hawking radiation inside a charged black hole
Tyler McMaken, Phys. Rev. D 107, 085010 (2023).
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The Supergeometric Algebra
Andrew Hamilton, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 33, (2023).
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Geometry near the inner horizon of a rotating, accreting black hole
Tyler McMaken, Andrew Hamilton, Physical Review D 103, 084014 (2021).
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Inside astronomically realistic black holes
Andrew Hamilton, General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology , (2019).
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Hawking radiation inside a Schwarzschild black hole
Andrew Hamilton, General Relativity and Gravitation , 50 (2018).
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Covariant Hamiltonian tetrad approach to numerical relativity
Andrew Hamilton, Physical Review D 96, (2017).
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Mass inflation followed by Belinskii-Khalatnikov-Lifshitz collapse inside accreting, rotating black holes
Andrew Hamilton, Physical Review D 96323510, 084041 (2017).
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Optical and UV Spectra of the Remnant of SN 1885 (S And) in M31
Robert Fesen, Kathryn Weil, Andrew Hamilton, Peter Hoflich, The Astrophysical Journal 848, 130 (2017).
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A model for intergalactic filaments and galaxy formation during the first gigayear
Gayler Harford, Andrew Hamilton, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 471, 4760-4775 (2017).
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The 2D Distribution of Iron-Rich Ejecta in the Remnant of SN 1885 in M31
Robert Fesen, Peter Hoflich, Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 804, 140 (2015).
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Mass inflation in a D-dimensional Reissner-Nordström black hole: A hierarchy of particle accelerators?
P. Avelino, Andrew Hamilton, C. Herdeiro, M. Zilhão, Physical Review D 84, 024019 (2011).
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Interior structure of rotating black holes. I. Concise derivation
Andrew Hamilton, G. Polhemus, Physical Review D 84, (2011).
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Interior structure of rotating black holes. II. Uncharged black holes
Andrew Hamilton, Physical Review D 84, 124056 (2011).
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Interior structure of rotating black holes. III. Charged black holes
Andrew Hamilton, Physical Review D 84, 124057 (2011).
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Time Evolution of the Reverse Shock in SN 1006
P. Winkler, Andrew Hamilton, K. Long, Robert Fesen, The Astrophysical Journal 742, 80 (2011).
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Intergalactic filaments as isothermal gas cylinders
Gayler Harford, Andrew Hamilton, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 416, 2678-2687 (2011).
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Large entropy production inside black holes: a simple model
G. Polhemus, Andrew Hamilton, Journal of High Energy Physics 2010, (2010).
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Stereoscopic visualization in curved spacetime: seeing deep inside a black hole
Andrew Hamilton, G. Polhemus, New Journal of Physics 12, 123027 (2010).
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The physics of the relativistic counter-streaming instability that drives mass inflation inside black holes
Andrew Hamilton, P. Avelino, Physics Reports 495, 1-32 (2010).
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Measuring Gas Accretion and Angular Momentum near Simulated Supermassive Black Holes
R. Levine, Nickolay Gnedin, Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 716, 1386-1396 (2010).
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Growing Supermassive Black Holes Inside Cosmological Simulations
R. Levine, Nickolay Gnedin, Andrew Hamilton, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 5, 333 (2009).
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Mass inflation in Brans-Dicke gravity
P. Avelino, Andrew Hamilton, C. Herdeiro, Physical Review D 79, (2009).
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Entropy creation inside black holes points to observer complementarity
G. Polhemus, Andrew Hamilton, C. Wallace, Journal of High Energy Physics 2009, 016-016 (2009).
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The interior structure of slowly rotating black holes
Andrew Hamilton, Classical and Quantum Gravity 26, 165006 (2009).
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AIP Conference Proceedings: Supermassive Black Hole Fueling in Cosmological Simulations
R. Levine, Nickolay Gnedin, Andrew Hamilton, S. Heinz, Eric Wilcots, unknown , 96-99 (2009).
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Monster Black Holes
Andrew Hamilton, National Geographic Channel , (2008).
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Power Spectrum Estimation. I. Basics
Andrew Hamilton, Data Analysis in Cosmology. Lecture Notes in Physics 665, 415-431 (2008).
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The river model of black holes
Andrew Hamilton, J. Lisle, American Journal of Physics 76, 519 (2008).
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Intergalactic baryon-rich regions at high redshift
Gayler Harford, Andrew Hamilton, Nickolay Gnedin, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 389, 880-888 (2008).
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Methods for rapidly processing angular masks of next-generation galaxy surveys
M. Swanson, M. Tegmark, Andrew Hamilton, J. Hill, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 387, 1391-1402 (2008).
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Resolving Gas Dynamics in the Circumnuclear Region of a Disk Galaxy in a Cosmological Simulation
R. Levine, Nickolay Gnedin, Andrew Hamilton, A. Kravtsov, The Astrophysical Journal 678, 154-167 (2008).
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Power Spectrum Estimation II. Linear Maximum Likelihood
Andrew Hamilton, 665, 433-456 (2008).
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A high-resolution ultraviolet absorption spectrum of supernova ejecta in SN1006
Andrew Hamilton, Robert Fesen, W. Blair, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 381, 771-778 (2007).
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Large-Scale Simulations of Reionization
K. Kohler, Nickolay Gnedin, Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 657, 15-29 (2007).
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The Chemical Distribution in a Subluminous Type Ia Supernova: Hubble Space Telescope Images of the SN 1885 Remnant
Robert Fesen, Peter Hoflich, Andrew Hamilton, Molly Hammell, Christopher Gerardy, A. Khokhlov, J. Wheeler, The Astrophysical Journal 658, 396-409 (2007).
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Monster of the Milky Way
Andrew Hamilton, NOVA , (2006).
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Black Holes: The Other Side of Infinity
Andrew Hamilton, Denver Museum of Science and Nature , (2006).
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Cosmological constraints from the SDSS luminous red galaxies
M. Tegmark, Daniel Eisenstein, Michael Strauss, D. Weinberg, Michael Blanton, J. Frieman, Masataka Fukugita, J. Gunn, Andrew Hamilton, Gillian Knapp, Robert Nichol, J. Ostriker, N. Padmanabhan, Will Percival, D. Schlegel, D. Schneider, Roman Scoccimarro, Uroš Seljak, H.-J. Seo, Molly Swanson, A. Szalay, M. Vogeley, J. Yoo, Idit Zehavi, K. Abazajian, Scott Anderson, James Annis, Neta Bahcall, Bruce Bassett, Andreas Berlind, J. Brinkmann, T. Budavari, F. Castander, Andrew Connolly, Istvan Csabai, Mamoru Doi, D. Finkbeiner, Bruce Gillespie, Karl Glazebrook, G. Hennessy, D. Hogg, Željko Ivezić, Bhuvnesh Jain, David Johnston, S. Kent, D. Lamb, Brian Lee, Huan Lin, Jon Loveday, Robert Lupton, J. Munn, K. Pan, Changbom Park, John Peoples, J. Pier, A. Pope, Michael Richmond, Constance Rockosi, Ryan Scranton, R. Sheth, Albert Stebbins, Christopher Stoughton, I. Szapudi, Douglas Tucker, D. Berk, B. Yanny, D. York, Physical Review D 74, (2006).
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Information content of the non-linear power spectrum: the effect of beat-coupling to large scales
C. Rimes, Andrew Hamilton, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 371, 1205-1215 (2006).
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On measuring the covariance matrix of the non-linear power spectrum from simulations
Andrew Hamilton, C. Rimes, Roman Scoccimarro, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 371, 1188-1204 (2006).
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A galaxy halo model of large-scale structure
M. Neyrinck, Andrew Hamilton, Nickolay Gnedin, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 362, 337-348 (2005).
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Significance of the largest scale CMB fluctuations in WMAP
A. de Oliveira-Costa, M. Tegmark, M. Zaldarriaga, Andrew Hamilton, Physical Review D 69, (2004).
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The Three-Dimensional Power Spectrum of Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
M. Tegmark, Michael Blanton, Michael Strauss, Fiona Hoyle, D. Schlegel, Roman Scoccimarro, M. Vogeley, D. Weinberg, Idit Zehavi, Andreas Berlind, T. Budavari, Andrew Connolly, Daniel Eisenstein, D. Finkbeiner, J. Frieman, J. Gunn, Andrew Hamilton, Lam Hui, Bhuvnesh Jain, David Johnston, S. Kent, Huan Lin, Reiko Nakajima, Robert Nichol, J. Ostriker, A. Pope, Ryan Scranton, Uroš Seljak, R. Sheth, Albert Stebbins, A. Szalay, I. Szapudi, Licia Verde, Yongzhong Xu, James Annis, Neta Bahcall, J. Brinkmann, Scott Burles, F. Castander, Istvan Csabai, Jon Loveday, Mamoru Doi, Masataka Fukugita, J. Gott, G. Hennessy, D. Hogg, Željko Ivezić, Gillian Knapp, D. Lamb, Brian Lee, Robert Lupton, Timothy McKay, Peter Kunszt, J. Munn, Liam O'Connell, John Peoples, J. Pier, Michael Richmond, Constance Rockosi, D. Schneider, Christopher Stoughton, Douglas Tucker, D. Berk, B. Yanny, D. York, The Astrophysical Journal 606, 702-740 (2004).
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A scheme to deal accurately and efficiently with complex angular masks in galaxy surveys
Andrew Hamilton, M. Tegmark, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 349, 115-128 (2004).
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Understanding the PSCz galaxy power spectrum with N-body simulations
M. Neyrinck, Andrew Hamilton, Nickolay Gnedin, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 348, 1-11 (2004).
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High resolution foreground cleaned CMB map from WMAP
M. Tegmark, A. de Oliveira-Costa, Andrew Hamilton, Physical Review D 68, (2003).
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The PSCz Galaxy Power Spectrum Compared to N-Body Simulations
M. Neyrinck, Andrew Hamilton, Nickolay Gnedin, 281, 203-204 (2003).
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Constraints on inflation from cosmic microwave background and Lyman-α forest
S. Hannestad, S. Hansen, F. Villante, Andrew Hamilton, Astroparticle Physics 17, 375-382 (2002).
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Cosmology from Large Scale Structure
Andrew Hamilton, Nick Gnedin, Max Tegmark, Yongzhong Xu, H. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, R. Viollier, , 267-273 (2002).
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The power spectrum of galaxies in the 2dF 100k redshift survey
M. Tegmark, Andrew Hamilton, Y. Xu, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 335, 887-908 (2002).
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Matter power spectrum from the Lyman-alpha forest: myth or reality?
Nickolay Gnedin, Andrew Hamilton, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 334, 107-116 (2002).
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The real-space power spectrum of the PSCz survey from 0.01 to 300h Mpc-1
Andrew Hamilton, M. Tegmark, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 330, 506-530 (2002).
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Towards a refined cosmic concordance model: Joint 11-parameter constraints from the cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure
M. Tegmark, M. Zaldarriaga, Andrew Hamilton, Physical Review D 63, (2001).
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Latest Cosmological Constraints on the Densities of Hot and Cold Dark Matter
Max Tegmark, Matias Zaldarriaga, Andrew Hamilton, David Cline, 409, 128-137 (2001).
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Weighing neutrinos with microwave background and galaxy data
M. Tegmark, M. Zaldarriaga, Andrew Hamilton, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 91, 387-392 (2001).
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Formulae for growth factors in expanding universes containing matter and a cosmological constant
Andrew Hamilton, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 322, 419-425 (2001).
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The Power Spectrum of the CfA/SSRS UZC Galaxy Redshift Survey
N. Padmanabhan, M. Tegmark, Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 550, 52-64 (2001).
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An ultraviolet Fe II image of SN 1885 in M31
Andrew Hamilton, Robert Fesen, The Astrophysical Journal 542, 779-784 (2000).
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Linear redshift distortions and power in the IRAS Point Source Catalog Redshift Survey
Andrew Hamilton, M. Tegmark, N. Padmanabhan, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 317, L23 - L27 (2000).
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Decorrelating the power spectrum of galaxies
Andrew Hamilton, M. Tegmark, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 312, 285-294 (2000).
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Uncorrelated modes of the non-linear power spectrum
Andrew Hamilton, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 312, 257-284 (2000).
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Hubble Space Telescope Images and Spectra of the Remnant of SN 1885 in M31
Robert Fesen, Christopher Gerardy, K. McLin, Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 514, 195-201 (1999).
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Linear Redshift Distortions: A Review
Andrew Hamilton, , 185-275 (1998).
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Measuring the Galaxy Power Spectrum with Future Redshift Surveys
M. Tegmark, Andrew Hamilton, Michael Strauss, M. Vogeley, A. Szalay, The Astrophysical Journal 499, 555-576 (1998).
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Uncorrelated Measurements of the CMB Power Spectrum
M. Tegmark, Andrew Hamilton, unknown , (1998).
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Interpretation of Ultraviolet Absorption Lines in SN 1006
Andrew Hamilton, Robert Fesen, C.-C. Wu, D. Crenshaw, C. Sarazin, The Astrophysical Journal 481, 838-856 (1997).
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Far-Ultraviolet Absorption Lines in the Remnant of SN 1006
C.-C. Wu, D. Crenshaw, Andrew Hamilton, Robert Fesen, M. Leventhal, C. Sarazin, The Astrophysical Journal 477, L53 - L56 (1997).
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Group Discussion: Formation of Large-Scale Structure
A. Dekel, Andrew Hamilton, unknown , (1997).
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Towards optimal measurement of power spectra - I. Minimum variance pair weighting and the Fisher matrix
Andrew Hamilton, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 289, 285-294 (1997).
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Towards optimal measurement of power spectra - II. A basis of positive, compact, statistically orthogonal kernels
Andrew Hamilton, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 289, 295-304 (1997).
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Non-linear cosmological power spectra in real and redshift space
A. Taylor, Andrew Hamilton, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 282, 767-778 (1996).
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Spherical Redshift Distortions
Andrew Hamilton, M. Culhane, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 278, 73-86 (1996).
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Reconstructing the Primordial Spectrum of Fluctuations of the Universe from the Observed Nonlinear Clustering of Galaxies: Erratum
Andrew Hamilton, P. Kumar, Edward Lu, A. Matthews, The Astrophysical Journal 442, L73 (1995).
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Redshift Distortions and Omega in IRAS Surveys
Andrew Hamilton, unknown , (1995).
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Lagrangian evolution of the Weyl tensor
E. Bertschinger, Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 435, 1 (1994).
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Toward Better Ways to Measure the Galaxy Correlation Function
Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 417, 19 (1993).
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Faint Object Spectrograph Spectra of the Broad Fe II Absorption Lines in the Remnant of SN 1006
C.-C. Wu, D. Crenshaw, Robert Fesen, Andrew Hamilton, C. Sarazin, The Astrophysical Journal 416, 247 (1993).
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Omega from the anisotropy of the redshift correlation function in the IRAS 2 Jansky survey
Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 406, L47 (1993).
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Cosmic evolution of extragalactic C 1, C 2, and CO luminosity
John Bally, J. Shull, Andrew Hamilton, unknown , (1993).
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Omega from the anisotropy of the redshift correlation function
Andrew Hamilton, unknown , (1993).
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Ways to improve your correlation functions
Andrew Hamilton, unknown , (1993).
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Measuring Omega and the real correlation function from the redshift correlation function
Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 385, L5 (1992).
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High-velocity Fe II Absorption Lines in SNR 1006
C. Wu, D. Crenshaw, Robert Fesen, Andrew Hamilton, M. Leventhal, unknown , (1992).
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Photoionization Models of Iron-Rich Ejecta in SN 1885
Andrew Hamilton, R. Fesen, S. Woosley, , 656-660 (1991).
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HEAO 1 A-2 low-energy detector X-ray spectra of the Lupus Loop and SN 1006
D. Leahy, J. Nousek, Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 374, 218 (1991).
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Reconstructing the primordial spectrum of fluctuations of the universe from the observed nonlinear clustering of galaxies
Andrew Hamilton, A. Matthews, P. Kumar, Edward Lu, The Astrophysical Journal 374, L1 (1991).
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Discovery of the remnant of S Andromedae (SN 1885) in M31
Robert Fesen, J. Saken, Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 341, L55 (1989).
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Topology of large-scale structure. IV - Topology in two dimensions
A. Melott, Alexander Cohen, Andrew Hamilton, J. Gott, D. Weinberg, The Astrophysical Journal 345, 618 (1989).
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The topology of large-scale structure. III - Analysis of observations
J. Gott, John Miller, T. Thuan, S. Schneider, D. Weinberg, C. Gammie, K. Polk, M. Vogeley, S. Jeffrey, S. Bhavsar, A. Melott, R. Giovanelli, M. Hayes, R. Tully, Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 340, 625 (1989).
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On hierarchical solutions to the BBGKY hierarchy
Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 332, 67 (1988).
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Cluster-cluster correlations and constraints on the correlation hierarchy
Andrew Hamilton, J. Gott, The Astrophysical Journal 331, 641 (1988).
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Evidence for biasing in the CfA survey
Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 331, L59 (1988).
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Ejecta in SN 1006: The knotty issue
Robert Fesen, Andrew Hamilton, unknown , 121\textendash124 (1988).
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The topology of fractal universes
Andrew Hamilton, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 100, 1343 (1988).
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High-velocity ultraviolet iron, silicon, oxygen, and sulfur absorption features associated with the remnant of SN 1006
Robert Fesen, C.-C. Wu, M. Leventhal, Andrew Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 327, 164 (1988).
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The reionization of unshocked ejecta in SN 1006
Andrew Hamilton, Robert Fesen, The Astrophysical Journal 327, 178 (1988).
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Analysis of the spectrum of the type V supernova SN 1986J
Andrew Hamilton, W. Vacca, A. Pradhan, M. Rupen, J. Gunn, D. Schneider, unknown , (1988).
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Ejecta in SN 1006: The knotty issue
Robert Fesen, Andrew Hamilton, unknown , (1988).
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The Reionization of Unshocked Ejecta in SN1006
Andrew Hamilton, Robert Fesen, unknown , (1988).
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The topology of fractal universes
Andrew Hamilton, unknown , (1988).
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