JILA Software Information

This Index Page Last Modified: 31 July 2014 by Corey Keasling

The instructions listed on this page are being updated and transitioned to the JILA Computing Software page. For the most part the instructions here are correct. Please contact Corey Keasling (x2-9643,room S224) with any questions or comments.

University IT provides site licenses to a number of programs. In some cases, (e.g., Origin), they have assumed responsibility for providing a license that JILA once provided. If you don't see what you're looking for on this page, please refer to the University's Site Licenses page

This document deals primarily with software available from the JILA Network for Windows and Mac machines..

- For information on UNIX specific software, please . Then look at section 5.3 for the Software List.

Network software is listed in order by type of application. Click on the name to see installation instructions. All MAC installation in linked to one combined page.

Word Processing and Office Software:

All word processing programs at JILA are now being installed locally since most companies have followed Microsoft's lead and discontinued the concept of Concurrent Licensing from a central server installation.

WordPerfect for Windows and Mac -Corel WordPerfect is now being installed locally from personal copies, Corel no longer provides a networked version that we can use. Please purchase a copy from the Chip Shop or from Corel.

Microsoft Officefor Windows - The University now has a Campus wide site license for MS Office, both Pro and Enterprise. You will need to have an IdentaKey and access the license codes for installation from the university ITS site.

Microsoft Office for Mac - Office 2008 is available under the Campus wide site license for MS Office. No special keys or codes needed.

TeX fpTeX - A TeX/LaTeX processing installation for Windows and DOS. LaTeX2e default with 2.09 compatability mode. This installation mirrors the UNIX installation on node jilasrv with the same applications and JILA special styles. It may be used from the Network or locally installed as desired.

Poster Printing From PowerPoint - Printing to the poster printer in our Termainal Room S240 is often done from Microsoft PowerPoint. This is a helpful "Cheat Sheet" to guide you through the settings.


American Heritage Dictionary - A general dictionary and thesaurus. It also includes a word hunter feature and anagram creation.


Terminal Emulation:


Exceed for Windows - This is an X-terminal emulator that allows your PC to act as an X-terminal server. It allows multiple windows and all the usual X features. [NOTE: We are considering phasing out Exceed and replacing it with VNC via SSH, please try that first.]

If you already have Exceed installed and just want to add the central server fonts,

Exceed Secure Connectivity for SSH connections - Provides tunneled SSH (Secure Shell) connections for use with Exceed.



Mathematica- A full featured Scientific Evaluation and Graphing Program.

MATLAB- MATrix LABoratory: Another powerful Scientific Evaluation and Graphing Program.

Molecular Modeling:

Gaussian and GaussView - A sophisticated and comprehensive ab initio molecular modeling and computational chemistry engine.

Scientific Graphics and Tools:

COMSOL - A Multiphysics engineering simulation software environment that facilitates all steps in the modeling process. Can be used as a front end to COMSOL on the clusters.

IDL for Windows - A full featured plotting and scientific manipulation package with emphasis on the plotting aspects.

IDL for Mac

Igor for the MAC - A strong graphics package with extensive fitting/smoothing routines. It can do non-linear least squares and personal functions, as well as standard list.

Igor for Windows

LabView - National Instruments software for data acquisition and image acquisition and general experiment control with multiple tool kits and additional useful software for experiments.

SigmaPlot - A powerful plotting and graphing package from SPSS.

Graphics Editing and Drawing:

Digitize-Pro for Windows - Allows the digitization of scanned or digital plots. Useful for digitizing plots from journals.

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