Ultracold Few-body Physics

Along history —starting from classical mechanics to its peculiar version in quantum mechanics— few-body systems have taught us that complexity and mathem
atical beauty can be found even at small, “simple”, systems of particles. The Efimov effect is certainly a prime example of such complexity and mathematical beauty whose universality allows for interdisciplinary research and opportunities to expand our knowledge on strongly correlated quantum matter. In other words, few-body physics can help to bridge the gap between the two-body physics explored in much of Atomic, Molecular and Optical physics and the many-body physics underlying condensed matter systems.

Below, you will find a brief description of some aspects of my research, as well as links to a more details description. Some selected publications are also highlighted.

Efimov Physics & Universality

This aspect of my research focus on the universal properties of strongly correlated
few-body states related to Efimov physics. Efimov states are universal in the sense that they exist for any strongly correlated system interacting via short-range potential. We also focus on the extension of Efimov universality for more than three particles. Our studies range from analytical solutions for the few-body problem to purely numerical solutions that accounts for important aspects of the underlying interactions between neutral atoms. The knowledge of properties of universal few-body states can open up ways in which few-body interactions can be controlled to engineer novel phases of the matter. (read more)

Selected Publications ...

  1.        “Origin of the three-body parameter universality in Efimov physics”, Jia Wang, J. P. D’Incao,

  2.           B. D. Esry, and Chris H. Greene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 263001 (2012)

  3.         “Universal three-body parameter in heteronuclear atomic systems”, Yujun Wang, Jia Wang,

  4.          J. P. D’Incao and C. H. Greene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 243201 (2012)

  5.        “Signatures of four-body universal phenomena and their relation to the Efimov effect”,

  6.            von Stecher, J. P. D'Incao, and C. H. Greene, Nature Physics 5, 417 (2009)

  7.         “Evidence of universal four-body states tied to an Efimov trimer”, F. Ferlaino, S. Knoop,

  8.           M. Berninger, W. Harm, J. P. D’Incao, H.-C. Naegerl, R. Grimm, Phys. Rev. Lett 102,

  9.          140401 (2009)

  10.          “Universal four-boson states in ultracold molecular gases: Resonant effects in

  11.           dimer-dimer collisions”, J. P. D’Incao, J. von Stecher and Chris H. Greene, Phys. Rev.

  12.           Lett 103, 033004 (2009)

Few-body Scattering & Losses

The focus here is to explore scattering properties of few-body systems and their impact to the lifetime and
stability of ultracold quantum gases. Near a Feshbach resonance inelastic scattering rates are enhanced leading to strong atom losses. This prevents, for instance, studies of strongly interacting gases and a pertinent questions is whether one can actually control such processes. Therefore, this aspect of my research profile seeks for ways to characterize losses as well as ways to mitigate them. (read more)

Selected Publications ...

  1.         “Scattering length scaling laws for ultracold three-body collisions", J. P. D'Incao and

  2.            B. D. Esry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 213201 (2005).

  3.         “Mass dependence of ultracold three-body collision rates", J. P. D'Incao and B. D. Esry,

  4.            Phys. Rev. A 73, 030702(R) (2006)

  5.         “Ultracold few-body systems”, Y. Wang, J. P. D’Incao and B. D. Esry,

  6.            Advances of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 62, 1 (2013)

  7.         Ultracold three-body collisions near narrow Feshbach resonances”, Yujun Wang, J. P.

  8.            D'Incao, and B. D. Esry, Phys. Rev. A 83, 042710 (2011)

  9.         Dimer-Dimer collisions at finite energies in two-component Fermi gases”, J. P.

  10.           D'Incao, Seth Rittenhouse, N. P. Mehta, and Chris H. Greene, Phys. Rev. A 79,

  11.           030501 (2009)

  12.         “Suppression of molecular decay in ultracold gases without Fermi statistics”,

  13.           J. P. D'Incao and B. D. Esry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 163201 (2008)

Dipolar Few-body Systems

In the past few years, ultracold atomic physics has moved beyond the study of condensates of
“simple” atoms to the realization of ultracold dipolar atomic or molecular gases, triggering a large number of research opportunities related to the anisotropic character of the dipole-dipole interaction. From the few-body perspective the presence of anisotropic and long-range interactions leads to fundamental changes on universality. Because of their long-range character, dipole-dipole interactions lead to the formation of weakly bound dipolar few-body states which not only can affect the stability of the gas but also could tremendously enriching current research on dipolar quantum gases. (read more)

Selected Publications ...


  2.         “Universal three-body physics for fermionic dipoles”, Y. Wang, Jose P. D’Incao,

  3.          and Chris H. Greene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 233201 (2011)

  4.         “Efimov effect for three interacting bosonic dipoles”, Y. Wang, J. P. D’Incao,

  5.          and C. H. Greene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 233201 (2011)

  6.         “Collisional aspects of bosonic and fermionic dipoles in quasi-two-dimensional confining

  7.          geometries”, J. P. D’Incao and C. H. Greene, Phys. Rev. A 83, 030702 (R) (2011)

Universal Ultracold Chemistry

One of the greatest advantages of ultracold temperatures is that thermal effects, which usually average out he effects of external fields, are suppressed. This allows for the study of possible ways to
precisely control chemical reactions. Near Feshbach resonances, universal few-body physics is the basis for controlling chemical phenomena and allows for a “different” kind of chemistry. The chemistry of giant molecules! Our studies have identified several ways in which this kind of chemical reactions can be manipulated and observable in experiments in ultracold quantum gases. (read more)

Selected Publications ...

  1.         Cold three-body collisions in Hydrogen-Alkali atomic systems”, Y. Wang,

  2.          J. P. D'Incao and B. D. Esry, Phys. Rev. A 83, 032703 (2011)

  3.         “Magnetically Controlled Exchange Process in an Ultracold Atom-Dimer Mixture”,        

  4.          S. Knoop, F. Ferlaino, M. Berninger, M. Mark, H.-C. Naegerl, R. Grimm, J. P. D’Incao

  5.          and B. D. Esry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 053201 (2010)

  6.         “Ultracold three-body collisions near overlapping Feshbach resonances”, J. P. D’Incao

  7.          and B. D. Esry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 083202 (2009)

  8.         “Universal four-boson states in ultracold molecular gases: Resonant effects in

  9.          dimer-dimer collisions”, J. P. D’Incao, J. von Stecher and Chris H. Greene, Phys. Rev.

  10.          Lett 103, 033004 (2009)

  11.         “Stability of fermionic Feshbach molecules ”, J. J. Zirbel, K.-K. Ni, S. Ospelkaus, J. P.

  12.          D'Incao, C.E. Wieman, J. Ye, and D. S. Jin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 143201 (2008)

Few-body Physics in Reduced Dimensions

This part of my research focus on the few-body physics at lower dimensions and the
impact of the dimensionality on the concept of universality. Evidently, no real system is purely 1D or 2D. In fact, experiments in ultracold quantum gases are realized on the so-called quasi-1D or quasi-2D regimes. This leads to extremely challenging few-body problem where both 3D and 1D/2D physics can crossover. This connection between 3D and 1D/2D physics leads to interesting prospects of probing the way in which geometry effects can be not only be controlled but also used to probe novel effects. (read more)

Selected Publications ...

           “Ultracold Three-body Recombination in Two Dimensions”, J. P. D’Incao,

             Fatima Anis and B. D. Esry, submitted to Phys. Rev. A [arXiv:1411.2321]

            “Adiabatic Hyperspherical Representation for the Three-body Problem in Two Dimensions”,

             J. P. D’Incao and B. D. Esry, Phys. Rev. A 90, 042707 (2014)

  1.        “Collisional aspects of bosonic and fermionic dipoles in quasi-two-dimensional confining

  2.         geometries”, J. P. D’Incao and C. H. Greene, Phys. Rev. A 83, 030702 (R) (2011)

Current Research

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