Supermassive black holes are the mothers

M87 (Virgo cluster)
NGC 1275 (Per cluster)
Suppose a baby universe is made by a hyper-energetic collision over a sweet-spot range of collision energies. The energy must be high enough to rearrange the DNA, but not so high as to destroy it.

The number of babies made by a black hole of mass \(M\) is proportional to the number of collisions (\(\propto M^2\)) multiplied by the time spent in the sweet-spot range (\(\propto M\)), \[ \mbox{number of babies} \propto M^3 \ . \] Thus supermassive black holes make the most babies.

Our Universe is really good at making supermassive black holes.

3C 348 (Her A)
NGC 4696 (Cen cluster)

  The fertility prediction