Subject: Black Hole visual aid for my project
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2010 10:18:50 -0400
To: Andrew Hamilton

Dear Mr. Hamilton, I'm a 4th grader and had the misfortune of pulling the piece of paper with the topic of black hole as my project for a visual aid. Any ideas on what I could do???


Subject: Black Hole visual aid for my project
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2010 08:42:31 -0600 (MDT)


I'm sorry you have been lumbered with the topic of black holes. Here's some ideas:

  1. See if you can find another student to swap with. You may find someone interested, and maybe the teacher would ok it.
  2. Maybe you can do a project on a black hole as an analogy or metaphor, rather than as an astronomical object. What kind of subject interests you? Can you find a metaphor for a black hole in that subject? Are some of your friends black holes? You give to them and they never give back? Are you a black hole?
  3. Read Ben Hillman "That Pesky Toaster" (1995, Hyperion Books for Children, New York). You'll love it.
Andrew Hamilton

  Black holes are dumb