Prewhitened Power Spectrum of PSCz 0.6 Jy with high-latitude mask (Hamilton A. J. S., Tegmark M., 2001, MNRAS, in press, astro-ph/0008392). Version of October 2001. At linear scales k < .33 h/Mpc the estimates of prewhitened power have been decorrelated. At nonlinear scales k > .33 h/Mpc inaccuracies in the covariance matrix prevent full decorrelation, but it would not be unreasonable to treat the estimates of prewhitened power as uncorrelated or nearly so. k is the median wavenumber (in h/Mpc) of the band-power window. k- and k+ are the wavenumbers (in h/Mpc) where the band-power window falls to half its maximum. At linear scales, k < .33 h/Mpc, the median and half-maximum points are those of the scaled and discretized band-power windows as defined in Hamilton A. J. S., Tegmark M., 2000, MNRAS, 312, 285 (astro-ph/9905192). At nonlinear scales, k > .33 h/Mpc, the band-powers have the power law times Gaussian form detailed by Hamilton & Tegmark 2000 (astro-ph/0008392). P(k) is the estimated power (in h^-3 Mpc^3) in the band-power, and DeltaP(k) (in h^-3 Mpc^3) its 1-sigma uncertainty. k k- k+ P(k) DeltaP(k) kmedian_Bu km_Bu kp_Bu xikd0 dxikd0 .0183 .0130 .0220 16900. 49000. .0219 .0165 .0264 -9780. 19800. .0254 .0200 .0298 34700. 20000. .0284 .0232 .0330 34300. 15400. .0324 .0268 .0377 5570. 12000. .0372 .0308 .0435 7980. 9870. .0427 .0365 .0492 11300. 8400. .0490 .0423 .0563 18300. 6940. .0565 .0490 .0637 9780. 5420. .0653 .0567 .0734 4550. 4000. .0754 .0668 .0836 9640. 2990. .0871 .0781 .0950 5880. 2130. .101 .0897 .110 4020. 1380. .116 .105 .126 4930. 984. .134 .122 .145 2120. 725. .155 .142 .167 2500. 554. .178 .165 .192 2400. 409. .206 .190 .220 1330. 276. .238 .216 .258 682. 137. .274 .253 .299 628. 106. .316 .295 .341 671. 109. .365 .331 .402 459. 92.5 .422 .382 .464 348. 63.0 .487 .441 .536 212. 46.9 .562 .510 .619 171. 34.9 .649 .588 .715 149. 16.8 .750 .679 .825 135. 19.2 .866 .785 .953 83.3 12.6 1.00 .906 1.10 59.0 11.3 1.15 1.05 1.27 47.4 6.57 1.33 1.21 1.47 34.7 5.13 1.54 1.40 1.69 17.1 3.30 1.78 1.61 1.96 18.1 2.06 2.05 1.86 2.26 10.3 2.20 2.37 2.15 2.61 9.08 1.65 2.74 2.48 3.01 5.79 1.40 3.16 2.87 3.48 4.06 1.23 3.65 3.31 4.02 4.73 .97 4.22 3.82 4.64 2.74 .60 4.87 4.41 5.36 .661 .443 5.62 5.10 6.19 1.23 .36 6.49 5.88 7.15 1.12 .29 7.50 6.79 8.25 .683 .182 8.66 7.85 9.53 .576 .193 10.0 9.06 11.0 .279 .172 11.5 10.5 12.7 .255 .098 13.3 12.1 14.7 .342 .071 15.4 14.0 16.9 .245 .061 17.8 16.1 19.6 .0847 .0784 20.5 18.6 22.6 .0762 .0556 23.7 21.5 26.1 .0562 .0254 27.4 24.8 30.1 .0552 .0239 31.6 28.7 34.8 .0549 .0254 36.5 33.1 40.2 .0127 .0164 42.2 38.2 46.4 .00169 .0116 48.7 44.1 53.6 .0117 .0081 56.2 51.0 61.9 .0157 .0087 64.9 58.8 71.5 .00872 .00598 75.0 67.9 82.5 .00248 .00559 86.6 78.5 95.3 .000973 .00320 100. 90.6 110. .00383 .00292 115. 105. 127. .000892 .00178 133. 121. 147. .00192 .00180 154. 140. 169. .00112 .00134 178. 161. 196. -.000306 .00112 205. 186. 226. .000953 .000885 237. 215. 261. .000810 .000514 274. 248. 301. .000636 .000451 316. 287. 348. .000005 .000374