Decorrelated Linear Power Spectrum of PSCz 0.6 Jy with high-latitude mask (Hamilton A. J. S., Tegmark M., 2000, MNRAS, in press, astro-ph/0008392). When fitting to theoretical models at linear scales, this decorrelated power spectrum is to be preferred over the correlated power spectrum, since the decorrelated estimates can be treated as uncorrelated. It is not possible to decorrelate the nonlinear power spectrum. If you want a power spectrum with uncorrelated error bars over the full range of wavenumbers, you might consider using the prewhitened power spectrum, which is less correlated than the power spectrum itself. The definition of power follows the Peebles (1980) convention P(k) = int e^{i k.r} xi(r) d^3 r where xi(r) is the correlation function. k is the median wavenumber (in h/Mpc) of the band-power window. k- and k+ are the wavenumbers (in h/Mpc) where the band-power window falls to half its maximum. The median and half-maximum points are those of the scaled and discretized band-power windows as defined in Hamilton A. J. S., Tegmark M., 2000, MNRAS, 312, 285 (astro-ph/9905192). P(k) is the estimated power (in h^-3 Mpc^3) in the band-power, and DeltaP(k) (in h^-3 Mpc^3) its 1-sigma uncertainty. k k- k+ P(k) DeltaP(k) .0137 .0097 .0171 133000. 920000. .0175 .0130 .0219 20200. 54200. .0214 .0165 .0264 -11100. 21300. .0249 .0200 .0297 36600. 21400. .0280 .0232 .0330 36600. 16600. .0319 .0268 .0376 5580. 13200. .0366 .0308 .0434 8250. 10800. .0422 .0365 .0492 11700. 9100. .0485 .0423 .0561 19400. 7600. .0560 .0491 .0635 10400. 6000. .0646 .0569 .0731 4680. 4550. .0747 .0670 .0833 10600. 3400. .0863 .0783 .0947 6490. 2520. .0998 .0902 .110 4630. 1750. .115 .106 .126 5930. 1270. .133 .123 .144 2400. 970. .154 .143 .165 2990. 750. .178 .166 .190 2980. 570. .205 .192 .219 1650. 410. .237 .221 .254 963. 266. .274 .257 .292 929. 211. .316 .298 .335 927. 189.