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ASTR 5540 Fall 1998: Texts

Edwin T. Jaynes ``Probability Theory: The Logic of Science'' (1996). This as yet unpublished book is available in various formats here (the Postscript version prints nicely). Incidentally, yes I have obtained official copyright authorization for us to copy this book. Warning: print this book double-sided (if you don't know how, ask someone). Even double-sided, the book comes out to a little over an inch thick. I have placed copies of this book (1) on reserve at the Math-Physics Library, (2) at Campus Copies in Norlin Library.

Jon Mathews & R. L. Walker ``Mathematical Methods of Physics'' (1970). The link here is to www.amazon.com's listing of this book, so you can see the details, but please buy it from the CU Bookstore, not from amazon (apparently the Bookstore has plans to put textbooks on the web in the near future, but it's not there yet).

W. H. Press et al ``Numerical Recipes'', which comes in various flavors (Fortran, C, ...). You can download the book for free, but as the authors say, you might like to buy it.

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Updated 28 Aug 1998