ASTR 5110 Fall 2022 Homepage

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 books ASTR 5110 Atomic and Molecular Physics Spring 2022: Notes

Statistical Mechanics

For the first part of this course, on statistical mechanics, I will be lecturing from my own notes on You may find it helpful to use another text, and you are welcome to choose whatever text you prefer. The statistical mechanics textbook mostly commonly recommended in this course is currently in its 3rd edition:

Atomic and Molecular Physics

Notes (some hand-written, some typed) that I have written for this course:
  1. Overview 1 (scanned pdf)
  2. Overview 2 (scanned pdf)
  3. Structure of Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics (scanned pdf)
    Mathematical Structure of Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics (pdf)
  4. Hydrogen Atom without Spin (pdf)
    Angular Momentum (pdf)
  5. Perturbation Theory (pdf)
  6. Multi-electron atoms (scanned pdf)
  7. Transition Probabilities and Selection Rules (pdf)
  8. Collisions (scanned pdf)
    Collisions (pdf)
  9. Spin in Atoms (pdf)
  10. Radiative processes (scanned pdf)
  11. Molecules (scanned pdf)
  12. Molecular spectra (scanned pdf)
    Hönl-London factors (pdf)
  13. Astronomical masers (scanned pdf)
  14. Ionization equilibrium (scanned pdf)
  15. Cooling (scanned pdf)
Where to find atomic and molecular data: The recommended text, now in its 3rd edition, is Texts that you may find useful are:

  ASTR 5110 Fall 2022 Homepage

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Updated 2022 Aug 15