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Spring 2022 ASTR 3740 General Relativity Midterm Review

This midterm review sheet is posted at http://jila.colorado.edu/~ajsh/courses/astr3740_22/review_mid2.html

The midterm will test the material covered during weeks 5 to 10 which is to say, general relativity and black holes. Obviously, there is a non-trivial overlap with special relativity, so you should not forget what you learned during weeks 1 to 4.

The midterm will be a two-hour, open-book test. You can download the test from the google-doc link in canvas. You must upload your answers back to canvas no later than two hours after you downloaded the test. Google doc will record when you download the test, and canvas will record when you upload your answer.

You get −1 point for each time you misspell Schwarzschild.

Review Questions

  1. Observational evidence.

  2. Postulates.

  3. Consequences of the Equivalence Principle.

  4. Metric and curvature.

  5. Schwarzschild Geometry.

  6. No Hair Theorem

  7. Reissner-Nordström Geometry.

  8. Kerr-Newman Geometry.

  9. Gravitational Waves.

  10. Event Horizon Telescope (NOT DONE).

  11. Hawking Radiation.

Updated 2022 Mar 11