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Spring 2022 ASTR 3740 Final Review

This Final review sheet is posted at http://jila.colorado.edu/~ajsh/courses/astr3740_22/review_final.html

The final will be a take-home, 5-hour, open-book, open-internet exam. It will be published on canvas in the morning of Saturday Apr 30. You can download the test from the google-doc link in canvas. You must upload your answers back to canvas no later than five hours after you downloaded the test. Google doc will record when you download the test, and canvas will record when you upload your answer. The test is due by midnight Tuesday May 3. Do not collaborate.

The final will test all the material covered cumulatively during the semester, but with an emphasis on the material covered since Spring Break, that is, on Cosmology. Review the review sheets for the midterms to brush up on Special Relativity and General Relativity.

There are 21 short answer questions at 4 points each. You should write 2 essays (several topics will be offered) at 8 points each. The total is 100 points.

Review Questions

  1. Hubble expansion

  2. Geometry

  3. FLRW (Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walter) metric

  4. Friedmann equations

  5. Matter, radiation, vacuum

  6. Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)

  7. Inflation

  8. Dark Energy (Λ)

  9. Dark Matter

  10. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

  11. What happened in the beginning?

Updated 2022 Apr 20