Black Hole silhouetted against the Milky Way Fall 2009 ASTR 2030 Homepage

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Center of the peculiar galaxy NGC 4438 (Arp 120) in the Virgo cluster

Center of peculiar galaxy NGC 4438 (Arp 120) in the Virgo cluster.  Detail image is 32 arcsec across, about 10,000 lyr.  BH mass unspecified.

Images of the Center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way

90 cm radio image of the Galactic center
Chandra survey image of the Galactic Center, about 2 degrees across.  GC is inside the bright white patch at center.
20cm VLA image of the Galactic Center, about 1 degree across.
         BIMA (Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association) array image of the Galactic Center                 

HCN molecular gas at the Galactic Center X-ray flare at the Galactic Center

6cm VLA image of the Galactic Center
Zoom into Sagittario (Heino Falcke)
Near infrared 1.6 to 3.5 micron image

Motion of Stars at the Galactic Center

Ghez et al (2008)

Flaring of Sagittario

Formation of the Milky Way (Jeffrey P. Gardner)

 Black Hole silhouetted against the Milky Way Fall 2009 ASTR 2030 Homepage

syllabus | timetable | projects | homework | clicker questions | weekly summaries | books, movies | images

Updated 2009 Aug 23