Black Hole silhouetted against the Milky Way Fall 2006 ASTR 2030 Homepage

syllabus | timetable | projects | homework | clicker questions | weekly summaries | books, movies | images

Supernova Gallery

Chandra images of Supernovae

Hubble images of Supernovae

Crab Nebula (Messier 1, Supernova 1054)

Chandra and Hubble movies of the Crab nebula

Supernova 1987A

Cassopeia A (Supernova 1658)

Tycho (Supernova 1572)

 Black Hole silhouetted against the Milky Way Fall 2006 ASTR 2030 Homepage

syllabus | timetable | projects | homework | clicker questions | weekly summaries | books, movies | images

Updated 2006 Aug 28