Van Gogh's Starry Night Spring 2018 ASTR 1200-001 Homepage

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Hubble images of Planetary Nebulae

The Ring Nebula, M57

He, H and O, N and S
Ring Nebula
H\(\alpha\), O, S
Wider angle view of the Ring Nebula

The Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC 6543)

Cat's Eye Nebula Wider angle view of the Cat's Eye Nebula

The Helix Nebula (NGC 7293)

H\(\alpha\) and N, O
Helix Nebula
Infrared and ultraviolet
Wider angle view of the Helix Nebula

The Butterfly Nebula (NGC 6302)

Butterfly Nebula
Central star (proto white dwarf)
The central star of the Butterfly Nebula

The Spirograph Nebula (IC 418)

Spirograph Nebula

 Van Gogh's Starry Night Spring 2018 ASTR 1200-001 Homepage

syllabus | timetable | projects | homework | clicker questions | weekly summaries | review | images

Updated 2018 Feb 14