Van Gogh's Starry Night Spring 2018 ASTR 1200-001 Homepage

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Distances to nearby stars can be measured from their parallax

Parallax diagram

The nearest star, Alpha Centauri, is a triple star system

α Cen A and α Cen B form a double star system.
In 2016, α Cen B was found to have an Earth-sized planet.
The third member α Cen C is the nearest star, Proxima Centauri.
Alpha Cen Proxima Cen

Women astronomers, with Edward Pickering, at the Harvard College Observatory in 1913

Women astronomers, with Edward Pickering, at the Harvard College Observatory in 1913

Spectral types of stars (Oh Be A Fine Girl/Guy Kiss Me)

Spectral types
Spectra of stars of various spectral types

Hertszsprung-Russell (HR) diagram

Hertszsprung-Russell diagram
Image Credit: ESO

HR diagram of the Pleiades open cluster

Pleiades open cluster HR diagram of Pleiades
© Cosmic Perspective Fig 15.18

HR diagram of the M4 globular cluster

M4 globular cluster HR diagram of M4 globular cluster
© Cosmic Perspective Fig 15.20

The Omega Centauri globular cluster

Omega Cen globular cluster
Zoom in
Stars sorted by color
HR diagram video

HR diagram of stars with parallaxes from the Hipparcos satellite

HR diagram from Hipparcos

Gaia mission (2018)

Map of 1.7 billion stars (1.3 billion with parallaxes)
Gaia map of 1.3 billion stars
HR diagram
Gaia HR diagram

HR diagram of main sequence stars

HR diagram of main sequence stars
© Cosmic Perspective Fig 15.13

Sizes of stars

Sizes of main sequence stars
© Cosmic Perspective Fig 15.12
Sizes of giant stars
© Cosmic Perspective Fig 15.13

Ages of star clusters

Star clusters on the HR diagram, showing their ages
© Cosmic Perspective Fig 15.19

 Van Gogh's Starry Night Spring 2018 ASTR 1200-001 Homepage

syllabus | timetable | projects | homework | clicker questions | weekly summaries | review | images

Updated 2018 Apr 30