@article{924, author = {K. Ishibashi and T. Gull and K. Davidson and Nathan Smith and T. Lanz and D. Lindler and J. Feggans and Ekaterina Verner and B. Woodgate and R. Kimble and C. Bowers and S. Kraemer and S. Heap and A. Danks and S. Maran and C. Joseph and M. Kaiser and Jeffrey Linsky and F. Roesler and D. Weistrop}, title = {Discovery of a Little Homunculus within the Homunculus Nebula of Carinae}, year = {2003}, journal = {The Astronomical Journal}, volume = {125}, pages = {3222-3236}, month = {Jan-06-2003}, issn = {0004-6256}, doi = {10.1086/375306}, }