@conference{4935, author = {R.-P. Kudritzki and D. Lennon and S. Becker and K. Butler and R Gabler and S. Haser and David Hummer and D. Husfeld and A. Pauldrach and J. Puls and S. Voels and N. Walborn and S. Heap and B. Bohannan and Peter Conti and Catharine Garmany and D. Baade}, title = {Hot stars and the Hubble Space Telescope}, year = {1992}, month = {00/1992}, publisher = {Garching near Munich: European Southern Observatory}, address = {Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy}, url = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1992ESOC...44..279K}, note = {JILA Pub. 4830}, }