@article{13355, author = {Fabio Bacchini and Vladimir Zhdankin and Evgeny Gorbunov and Gregory Werner and Lev Arzamasskiy and Mitchell Begelman and Dmitri Uzdensky}, title = {Collisionless Magnetorotational Turbulence in Pair Plasmas: Steady-state Dynamics, Particle Acceleration, and Radiative Cooling}, abstract = {

We present 3D fully kinetic shearing-box (SB) simulations of pair-plasma magnetorotational turbulence with unprecedented macro-to-microscopic scale separation. We retrieve the expected fluid-model behavior of turbulent magnetic fields and angular-momentum transport, and observe fundamental differences in turbulent fluctuation spectra linked with plasma heating. For the first time, we provide a definitive demonstration of nonthermal particle acceleration in kinetic magnetorotational turbulence agnostically of SB initial conditions, by means of a novel strategy exploiting synchrotron cooling.

}, year = {2024}, journal = {Submitted}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.01399}, }