@proceedings{13080, author = {J. Cirac and R. Blatt and A. Parkins and Peter Zoller}, title = {Non-Classical States of Motion and Quantum Collapse and Revival in an Ion Trap}, abstract = {

A novel scheme for the preparation of non-classical states of motion in a three-dimensional harmonic ion trap is proposed. The technique is based on adiabatic passage along dressed energy levels of the strongly coupled ion + trap system by varying the laser frequency. For an observation of these non-classical states we propose to measure quantum collapse and revival in the population inversion of a single trapped ion.

}, year = {1994}, pages = {112-120}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-642-79101-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-79101-7_12}, }