@proceedings{12909, author = {Juri Toomre}, title = {Round table discussion of session G: MHD convection and dynamos}, abstract = {

Vigorous discussion ensued about conditions under which both small-scale and global-scale dynamo action would be realized within real stars where the flow fields are expected to be highly turbulent and the magnetic Prandtl numbers small. Our nearest star reminds us that intricate boundary-layer phenomena may have to also be considered, such as the presence of a tachocline of rotational shear at the base of the solar convection zone revealed by helioseismology, which suggests that an interface dynamo may be at work to produce the observed 22-year cycles of large-scale magnetic activity.

}, year = {2006}, journal = {Symposium S239: Convection in Astrophysics}, edition = {Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union}, pages = {494}, month = {2006-08}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, url = {https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/proceedings-of-the-international-astronomical-union/article/round-table-discussion-of-session-g-mhd-convection-and-dynamos/13AA3797B3DD898FA118ACE8114A1660}, doi = {10.1017/S1743921307000968}, }