@inbook{12625, author = {R. Larson and Thomas Perkins and D. Smith and S. Chu}, title = {The hydrodynamics of a DNA molecule in a flow field}, abstract = {The behavior of dilute flexible polymer molecules in flowing liquids remains controversial, despite a long history of experimental and theoretical study. The simplest theory, introduced by Kuhn [1] some 60 years ago, treats the polymer as an elastic “dumbbell” in which an elastic spring connects two “beads” onto which are lumped the viscous drag forces that in reality act along the entire chain. In the simplest version of the dumbbell model, the drag force F d on each bead is given by Stokes law, F d = ςk B TV, where V is the velocity of the solvent relative to that of the bead, and the drag coefficient ςk B T is independent of the deformation of the molecule.}, year = {1999}, journal = {Flexible Polymer Chains in Elongational Flow}, pages = {259-282}, month = {1999-01}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-58252-3_9}, }