@inbook{12205, author = {Shuo Sun and Edo Waks}, title = {Interfacing Single Quantum Dot Spins with Photons Using a Nanophotonic Cavity}, abstract = {The spin of a single electron or hole trapped inside a quantum dot offers a promising quantum memory. These qubits are embedded in a host semiconductor material that can be directly patterned to form compact integrated nanophotonic devices. These devices efficiently interconnect single solid-state qubits with photons, a crucial requirement for quantum networks, quantum repeaters, and photonic quantum computation. This chapter reviews recent experimental progress towards achieving strong spin-photon interactions based on coupled quantum dot and nanophotonic cavity system. Especially we introduce a recent work that reports a coherent spin-photon quantum switch operating at the fundamental quantum limit, where a single photon flips the orientation of a quantum dot spin and the spin flips the polarization of the photon. These strong spin-photon interactions open up a promising direction for solid-state implementations of high-speed quantum networks and on-chip quantum photonic circuits using nanophotonic devices.}, year = {2017}, journal = {Quantum Dots for Quantum Information Technologies}, chapter = {359}, number = {Nano-Optics and Nanophotonics}, month = {2017-03}, publisher = {Springer Link}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-56378-7_11}, doi = {10.1007%2F978-3-319-56378-7_11}, }