CMB from Planck ASTR 5770 Fall 2018 Homepage

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 target ASTR 5770 Cosmology Fall 2018: Projects


Each of you will make a 10-minute presentation, followed by a 5-minute question session, in class, on a ground- or space-based survey, mission, or experiment, past, present, or planned, whose goals are relevant to cosmology. You will make your presentation in either the week before or the week after Fall Break.

The first problem set of the semester is to select a survey/mission/experiment, and to write a short abstract explaining your selection.

The list of presentations will be posted on this web page.

Name Survey/Mission/Experiment
Large Scale Structure (Galaxies):
1. Nov 12. Neil Bassett Dark Energy Survey (DES)
2. Nov 12. Khunanon (Luke) Thongkham Dark Energy Survey (DES)
3. Nov 12. Daniel Spiegel Wide Field InfraRed Survey Telescope (WFIRST)
4. Nov 14. Rachel Bowyer COsmic Background Explorer (COBE)
7. Nov 26. Justus Gibson The Cosmic Background Imager (CBI)
8. Nov 14. Angi Harke-Hosemann The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT)
9. Nov 26. Dalton Chaffee SPIDER
Black Holes:
10. Nov 28. Arpi Grigorian Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics (ATHEnA)
11. Nov 28. Ed Friedman The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)
12. Nov 28. Scott Perrin Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA)

 CMB from Planck Fall 2018 ASTR 5770 Homepage

syllabus | timetable | projects | problems | texts

Updated 2018 Nov 5