ASTR 5720 Web Projects

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This course will have no final. Instead, you will each do a web project. The project is divided into two parts:

The presentation will count for 10% of your grade, and the web pages for 25%. Thus the web project counts in all for 35% of your grade.

You may do your project alone, or in pairs. If you want to work in a larger group, consult with me. Whatever the case, there should be a clear division of responsibility both in the presentation and for the final set of pages.


Suggested Topics

Titles of Chosen Projects


I expect you to put a fair amount of effort into your pages.

Your project will probably not contain your own original research, but it should have educational value. Ideally, your pages should have broad appeal; but in the first instance, imagine that your audience consists of graduate students like yourself.

The pages should be organized clearly. It should be possible to click forward or backward, and from any page to any other page.

There should be a `home' or `index' page which states succinctly what the pages are all about, and which motivates the reader to click onward. There should be a reference/link page which is a guide to further reading/surfing. As a rough guide, there could be two to five pages in addition to the index and link pages, but there is no hard and fast rule.

Do not attempt to do too much. It is better to focus on a narrow subject and to do it well than to try to cover everything half-heartedly.

The web is a superb graphic medium. I imagine that a good way to design your project is to think: what would be a good way to illustrate the subject graphically? Animations and java scripts are definitely in. Then organize your text around the graphics. However, avoid `cute' irrelevant graphics.

Do not plagiarize. If you download stuff from elsewhere, provide a link to the source.

Keep wording concise.

Do not make any one page too long. Each page should constitute a digestible chunk.

Spare a thought for the folks who try to download your pages through a choked net and a glacial modem. Keep your main pages small (in computer memory requirement). Make large graphics separately clickable, with an indication of how much memory they take.

The pages you make will be yours, not mine. A possible option is to publish them to the APS education page, which I hope will be created at some point.

I hope that the final product will be a source of pride to you, which outlives its origin as a class project.

The perfect project? Wayne Hu's Physics of Microwave Background Anisotropies.

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Updated 10/31/97