ASTR 5110 Fall 2020 Homepage

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 target ASTR 5110 Atomic and Molecular Physics Fall 2020: Syllabus


The APS department has agreed on a model syllabus for Atomic and Molecular Physics. The course falls into three parts:
  1. Statistical Mechanics (3 weeks)
  2. Atoms and Radiation (9 weeks)
  3. Molecules (2 weeks)

1. Statistical Mechanics (3 weeks)

2. Atoms and Radiation

3. Molecules (2 weeks)

COVID-19 considerations

It is your choice to take this class either in person or remotely, or some combination. Please keep me apprised of your preference.

In class, please wear a mask, and respect social distancing. You are encouraged to use the wipes provided to keep your space in class clean.

Classes will run synchronously on zoom. If you join on zoom, please keep your video unmuted (bandwith willing), so as to maintain maximum participation with the class. Every student, in person or remote, is welcome to interrupt to ask questions or offer comments at any time. Hopefully one of you will be able to monitor the chat box and hand-raised icon in zoom, and interrupt the class if appropriate.

Classes will be recorded automatically in zoom. It usually takes a while to process and edit the recording, but my intention is to have the recording posted to canvas on the same day as the lecture. The canvas recordings are behind the CU firewall, accessible only to people in the class. By participating in the class, either in person or remotely, you agree to have your participation (image and audio) recorded.

CU rules prohibit you from recording the class separately.

Problem Sets

There will a problem set most weeks, 11 problem sets in all. Each set will be due before class the following Wednesday. They are intended to be frequent, and not too long. There will be no problem sets after the Fall Break.

Please upload your solutions in pdf to canvas. Please make sure your solutions are easily readable before you submit them.


There will be a single midterm on Statistical Mechanics. The midterm will be a 24-hour, open-book, open-web, take-home exam. You may do the midterm during any consecutive 24 hour period during the week it is available.


In accordance with APS policy, the final will be comprehensive, covering all the material covered during the semester. The final will be a 48-hour, open-book, open-web, take-home exam. You may do the final during any consecutive 48 hour period during the week it is available.


Grading will be weighted as follows:


The Univerity has in place various policies regarding your rights and responsibilities as a student, and it offers various support services to help you. Please consider the CU required syllabus statements as part of this syllabus.

Common Courtesy

I expect you:

You may expect me:


  ASTR 5110 Fall 2020 Homepage

syllabus | timetable | problems | notes | images

Updated 2020 Nov 10