target ASTR 3740 Relativity & Cosmology Spring 2000: Syllabus

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Grading will be weighted as follows:

Problem Sets 3/6
MidtermFri 11 Feb1/6
MidtermFri 10 Mar1/6
Final4.30-7.00pm Mon 8 May2/6

If you add that up, it comes to 7/6. To make it add to 100%, I will delete the worst 1/6 of your score. That means you can do badly on 2 problem sets, or on 1 of the midterms, or your final will count only half.

The plan is to have 5 or 6 problem sets, roughly one every two weeks. The problem sets will be mostly mathematical.

Summary Sessions

There will be summary sessions in class on Wed 9 Feb and Wed 8 March, the classes before the midterms.

Fiske Planetarium

CU's Fiske Planetarium has been reserved at the usual class time on the days in the following table. These shows are part of the course - exams may cover material presented in these shows.

Black Holes and Relativity 1Mon 21 Feb
Black Holes and Relativity 2Fri 25 Feb
The Milky WayMon 20 Mar
Galaxies 1Fri 7 Apr
Galaxies 2Wed 12 Apr
The Big Bang 1Fri 21 Apr
The Big Bang 2Mon 1 May


  • Special Relativity (3 weeks)
  • General Relativity (3 weeks)
  • Cosmology (6 weeks) There are 15 weeks of class time (30 lectures), excluding the March Spring Break, so the above schedule leaves 3 weeks for summary sessions, exams, going over problem sets, etc.


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    Updated 1 May 1999