Exploring new scientific frontiers using programmable atom arrays

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Mikhail Lukin / Harvard University
Seminar Type
Location (Room)
CASE Auditorium (Center for Academic Success & Engagement)
Event Details & Abstracts

The CUbit Quantum Initiative presents our next speaker of the Spring 2023 CUbit Quantum Seminar Series, Professor Mikhail Lukin (Harvard).  Professor Lukin will speak on Monday, May 1st at 4:00 pm in the CASE Auditorium. Coffee and cookies will be offered beginning at 3:30 pm.

Please see below for details of Professor Lukin’s talk.

Meeting with the speaker: If your group would like to meet with the speaker, please sign up for a time slot in this linked google doc:


Monday, May 1, is open to JILA and Physics. Tuesday is open to NIST and CEAS.  Note the instructions to the right for time allotment of a meeting. ALL OF THE CUbit speaker sign ups are now posted on this spreadsheet in tabs. Please feel free to sign up in advance for any of the speakers.

Graduate/Post-doc lunch: There is a lunch with tasty empanadas for graduate students and post-docs to meet with the speaker Tuesday, May 2 at noon in JILA Hbar. There are 15 slots available!

To ensure that there is equal opportunity to join the lunches, across groups and subdisciplines, we will implement a lunch lottery. If you'd like to join the speaker for lunch, please add your name to this spreadsheet:


On Friday afternoon, we'll randomly choose 15 students who will be notifed via email.

Please tell Krista Beck (krista.beck@colorado.edu) if something comes up and you'll not be able to attend.

See the website for streaming information https://www.colorado.edu/initiative/cubit/events 

Join Zoom Meeting https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/99182442453


Speaker: Mikhail Lukin

Talk Title: Exploring new scientific frontiers using programmable atom arrays 

Talk location: CASE AUDITORIUM

Time/date: Monday, May 1st at 4:00 pm. Coffee and cookies will be offered beginning at 3:30 pm.


We will discuss the recent advances involving programmable, coherent manipulation of quantum many-body systems using neutral atom arrays excited into Rydberg states, allowing the control over several hundred qubits in two dimensions. These systems can be used for realization and probing of exotic quantum phases of matter and exploration of their non-equilibrium dynamics. Examples include the realization and probing of quantum spin liquid states - the exotic topological states of matter have thus far evaded direct experimental detection and  the observation of quantum speedup for solving optimization problems will be described. In addition, the realization of novel quantum processing architecture based on dynamically reconfigurable entanglement and the steps towards quantum error correction will be discussed. Finally, we will discuss the most recent experimental advances and prospects for using these techniques for realization of large-scale quantum processor.


Refreshments @ 3:30 p.m.)

See the CUbit website for streaming information https://www.colorado.edu/initiative/cubit/events

Note: Parking for these events can be found in the basement of the CASE building (the Euclid Parking Garage).