@proceedings{12362, author = {James Thompson}, title = {Cavity-enhanced non-destructive measurements for determination of the strontium clock transition linewidth with 30 microhertz resolution}, abstract = {We will present a new technique for determining the lifetime of long-lived optically excited states. In particular, we are able to implement cavity-enhanced QND style measurements on two optical transitions in strontium as a way of determining the linewidth of the millihertz linewidth optical transition in strontium. The observation of the direct modification of the transmitted probe light also opens the door to direct frequency comparisons between the probe light and the optical transition frequency, perhaps providing an alternative to Ramsey spectroscopy and enhanced measurement bandwidth.}, year = {2021}, journal = {SPIE OPTO}, volume = {11700}, month = {2021-03}, publisher = {SPIE}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2588451}, doi = {10.1117/12.2588451}, }